Isn't it disgusting how old men, not only in Gambia but all over the world prey on young naive girls?? I find it totally gross! These paedophils are crawling all over the place and social networks are their play ground! Ladies, how many times have u received an 'inbox' from a waaaaaaaay older guy trying to trick ur a** on facebook?? Lol.. i know i have! The last was from a scottish guy named michael, he was busy telling me the 'best lovers in the world are in scotland' and that 'im a very sexy hot girl'.. Ofcuz i ignored him! But this is nothing compared to what happens in a 'face to face' situation. Most girls (including myself) want the latest of everything in fashion, we want the best of shoes, clothes, bags etc so we can 'stunt' like our fave celebs. Shit! i have countless daydreams about this. So when an old man loaded with 'stacks of paper' approaches us, we are done for! All we can think about is 'yea its time i got my celeb on!'. We don't see that these old men are exploiting us.. Its a sad sad thing! I want all louboutin's and giuseppe's but i will NEVER exchange my body for it, talk less to an old man! Its absolutely disgusting. I'd rather save my hard earned money for...well..months to be able to buy one pair of shoe than trick for it. These guys have lived their lives and are only trying to ruin yours. Most girls think 'well he wont be using me for free, i will get something out of it' but at what cost??? They will eventually leave u because 99.9% of them have wives and kids ur age at home! They'll either leave u pregnant and broke or feeling totally used! All those things he gave during ur 'relationship' can never restore ur dignity, confidence and youth. Besides what happened to girl power?! We can work just as hard as guys and get our own things, we just have to be willing to work hard for it. Nothing good comes easy. Im on a mission for a million and i will there inshallah through hard work, perseverence and patience. Ladies, u get me? Amen!
hi Oumie,am really Impress.
ReplyDeletei hope dat we girls realize d damage we doing to ourselves,it's just not wish or civilize to date an Older guy able to be ur Paps. wat a Shame to us.For dem,they just don't care.not knowing they doing worst to dem self.Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May God help change wat the world is turning into..........
pls stop been Greedy........
too bad
Amen to that!