head hung :p
ATTAYAAAA!!! shamefully so LOL... I mean i drink this ish even in the office (ok, i've only done it a few times rek, BILLAHI!! incase bossman reads this ) but this just shows you how i have no boundaries when it comes to this bad boy.. Ok, im only trying to scare you here, i DO have limits lol...like on the streets, boys yii d heem?? i'll never drink that...because i've heard scary stories like Tuberculosis (T.B) and some putting drugs in the brew and ish so thats like a no go area for me. Wanna know how i got hooked?? Well... It all started when one of my grandmums came to live with us for some time, im addicted but this woman is ADDICTED, like seriously, i have a boundary, she has none!! Plus if she goes a day without drinking attaya....you see withdrawal symptoms, red eyes, headache, mood swings etc. Thank God i havent reached that stage........yet. Anyway she got me addicted, she gave me my first 'cass', showed me how to 'handle' the barada and 'fural' like a professional... she's gone back to her home, and left me living in blissful addiction!

ps- apart from my grandmum, im the only one addicted to attaya in my family....my mum and sisters hate it with passion. Infact my mum has given me a stern warning, she doesn't wanna see me drinking it..*sigh* They just don't understand....but im sure you guys do!! No?? hehe